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Imported confectionery products are also sold on our online shopping site, elvan.com.tr. In order to offer a wide range of products to our customers visiting our site, the products of the world's leading brands are listed in the "Confectionery" sub-category, apart from the products produced by the Elvan brand in its own facilities. When you visit this sub-category, you can see the price of imported sugar, product images, stock status and other curious information. You can easily purchase the products you want by adding them to your cart.

Which products are sold as imported sugar?
Apart from Elvan brand candies, Cavendish & Harvey brand candies, one of the important brands of Germany, are available on our website. You can find the main ice cream, coffee candy, fruit candy, mint candy, lemon candy, forest fruit candy of this brand on our website. In the coming period, the products of other leading sugar brands in the world besides Cavendish & Harvey will be able to be added to our website.

Is it possible to buy wholesale imported sugar?
As with the products in other categories on our site, you can purchase imported candies in this category both wholesale and retail. Bulk product sales can be made in parcels or palletized quantities. In order to purchase these amounts, it is sufficient to create a membership in the system as a dealer. Subsequently, the module where the dealers can purchase is activated and parcel purchases are allowed.

You can reach us from the contact information on our online shopping site for your information requests regarding retail and wholesale purchases or for any questions you may have about your order.

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