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Healthy Food

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Glutensiz Kek Unu 500 Gram (1 Paket)
103.22 TL
92.89 TL
%10 Discount
Last 9 Product
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Naturpy Glutensiz Kakaolu Helva 185 Gr. (1 Adet)
133.22 TL
119.89 TL
%10 Discount
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Naturpy Gluten-Free Hazelnut Dark Chocolate 100 Gr. (1 Piece)
133.27 TL
119.93 TL
%10 Discount
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Gluten Free Pistachio Chocolate 100 Gr. (1 Piece)
139.31 TL
125.36 TL
%10 Discount
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Naturpy Gluten-Free Hazelnut Milk Chocolate 100 Gr. (1 Piece)
133.27 TL
119.93 TL
%10 Discount
Last 1 Product
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Gluten-Free Plain Noodle Pasta 125 Gr. (1 package)
97.67 TL
87.89 TL
%10 Discount
Last 4 Product
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Gluten Free Tarhana Soup 80 Gr. (1 package)
92.11 TL
82.89 TL
%10 Discount
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Gluten Free Thimble Soup 80 Gr. (1 package)
92.11 TL
82.89 TL
%10 Discount
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Naturpy Glutensiz Sade Helva 185 Gr. (1 Adet)
133.22 TL
119.89 TL
%10 Discount
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Nustil Pumpkin Seed Protein Powder 350 grams (1 Pack)
362.90 TL
333.20 TL
%8 Discount
Last 4 Product
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There is a total of 11 products

Healthy Living Products

Our online shopping store, elvan.com.tr, offers a wide range of healthy living products. These products are divided into three subcategories:

  • Bars
  • Snacks
  • Breakfast & Meals

By visiting these categories, you can explore product varieties, stock availability, prices, ingredient details, images, and more. If you need additional information, feel free to contact us through our communication channels.

What is a Bar Chocolate? What Are the Different Types of Bars?

Bars are healthy snacks enriched with carbohydrates and protein, low in fat, and easy to digest. They provide energy and help keep you full, making them an ideal choice for busy schedules and quick snacks between meals.

At Elvan’s online store, we offer fruit and nut bars crafted with special recipes.
Some examples of fruits used: orange, forest fruits, and sour cherry.
Some examples of nuts used: peanuts, pistachios, and hazelnuts.

Types of Bar Chocolates Available on Our Site

  • Chia & Cocoa Nibs
  • Sour Cherry & Peanut
  • Pistachio & Cranberry
  • Orange & Protein
  • Forest Fruits
  • Cocoa
  • Ketogenic Protein
  • Hydrolyzed Collagen

What is a Protein Bar?

A protein bar is a snack that contains a high protein content compared to carbohydrates or fats, making it an essential part of sports nutrition. These bars are commonly consumed by athletes to support muscle growth and post-workout recovery.

Protein bars are also a great healthy snack option and are frequently included in diet plans.


Granola is a breakfast and snack food consisting of oats, nuts, honey, brown sugar, and sometimes puffed rice, baked until crispy and golden brown.

The granola and muesli products sold on our website are high-calorie, nutritious, and light options that can be consumed for breakfast or as snacks. Thanks to their fruit and nut content, granolas are among the top healthy snack choices.

Granola Options Available on Our Site:

  • Gluten-Free Cranberry & Hazelnut Granola (250g)
  • Gluten-Free Apricot & Cocoa Granola (250g)


Muesli is a breakfast or brunch dish made from a mixture of oats, grains, and fresh fruits. It can be prepared with dried fruits, yogurt, nuts, fresh fruits, and different types of milk. Rich in vitamins and minerals, muesli is a highly nutritious food.

Muesli Option Available on Our Site:

  • Gluten-Free Protein Muesli with Mulberries

What Are Healthy Snacks?

Healthy snacks are products that provide energy while keeping you full. They are quick and practical snacks that can be consumed between meals.

The "Snacks" category on our site features fruit balls from the Rawsome brand. These snacks are gluten-free and vegan-friendly.

Varieties of Fruit Balls Available on Our Site:

  • Cocoa & Hazelnut Butter Fruit & Nut Balls
  • Apple & Almond Butter Fruit & Nut Balls
  • Sour Cherry & Peanut Butter Fruit & Nut Balls

Once your order is placed, it is quickly processed, prepared, and shipped to you.
