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Imported Products
There is a total of 22 products
Merba Rainbow Cookies 150 Gr. (1 Piece)
114.90 TL
105.55 TL
Last 6 Product
Merba Chocolate Cookies 150 Gr. (1 Piece)
114.90 TL
105.55 TL
Last 2 Product

In addition to the products it produces, Elvan Gıda wants you, our valued customers, to easily find any product they want on the elvan.com.tr website. It allows you to visit our website and buy all chocolate, candy, croissant, donut, biscuit, wafer and similar products under the Elvan Group brand, as well as purchase imported brand products. In this way, it sets another goal to easily buy all the snack products that you can think of by visiting a single site without wasting time on the internet.

Imported products are grouped under the category of Imported Products. Under this category, there are Milka, Nestle, Oreo, Nutella, Ferrero, Kinder Merba, Toblerone, Kelloggs, Tic Tac, Dolcella and many imported brands. The distinguished flavors of this brand are added to our website elvan.com.tr and are in high demand. While adding imported chocolate, imported sugar, imported biscuits and other imported flavors to our category, we take into account the expectations and demands of our customers, and enrich our category by adding the experience of Elvan company.

Apart from the familiar and unique tastes of the Elvan brand, you can easily purchase imported products from our online website, elvan.com.tr. Purchasing procedures, products, shipping, stock, etc. You can send any questions you may have by contacting us from the contact information in our online store. We are happy to assist you.

Milka Lila Pause, Milka Choco, Milka Tablet Chocolate, Milka Bonibon…etc. products are available. You can get these products we mentioned on our website at reasonable Milka prices. The products of the Toblerone brand in various grams and flavors are always listed on this site with the privileged Toblerone sales prices. In addition to Milka and Toblerone, Nestle's After Eight varieties (mint, cherry) and Kinder brand products are also available on our online site at affordable prices.

Apart from the brands and products mentioned above, you can also find the Italian handmade (handmade) Dolcella brand on our site, which is produced by private chocolate chefs. You can present Dolcella brand chocolate varieties, which are offered for sale in stylish packages (some products are in Balotin boxes), to your loved ones, spouse, and friends on your special days. Since it contains more than one flavor of chocolate in a single package, you will have the opportunity to taste many kinds of chocolate when you buy their products.

Biscuits – Cookies – Cookies
In addition to chocolate, there are also imported cookies, biscuits and cookies under the Imported Products category. Some of these products are Nestle Biscuits, Oreo Cocoa Biscuits, Oreo Enrobed chocolate covered biscuits, Merba brand cookies, Gandola brand cat tongue biscuits. You can eat these products directly or add them to your recipes while making your own delicious desserts in your kitchen.

Spreadable Chocolates (Breakfast Chocolates – Cocoa Creams)
The Nutella brand is one of the first products that come to mind when it comes to soft chocolate spreads, which are usually spread on products such as bread, biscuits and cookies at breakfast. In addition to the hazelnut spread cocoa cream presented in a Nutella jar, Milka brand's own spreadable hazelnut cocoa cream can be found on our website. Nutella price and Milka price are competitive on our site, you can add imported chocolate spreads to your basket effortlessly and make room for your breakfast tables in a short time.

Candies – Confectionery – Breakfast Cereals
Tic Tac and Cavendish & Harvey brand candies come to the fore in the category. You can find lemon, mixed, coffee flavors of Cavendish & Harvey brand candies and mint and orange flavors of Tic Tac brand on our website. You can add these products that are on sale on our site with reasonable prices to your cart and purchase them.

Kelloggs, which is perhaps the first brand that comes to mind when it comes to breakfast cereal, is occasionally included in our Imported Products category. You can procure Kelloggs cereals, which you and your children can consume at your breakfast tables with their different taste, from our online store.

Note: Since the imported product range is wide, different brands or products can be added to our site, and some products may be discontinued for a while. For this reason, we recommend that you follow our site elvan.com.tr closely and buy it before the stocks run out.

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