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Ibon Milk Juice Strawberry 250 Ml. Pack of 4
186.89 TL
169.40 TL
%9 Discount
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Ibon Milk Juice with Banana 250 Ml. (4 Pack)
186.89 TL
169.40 TL
%9 Discount
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Milkshake is a beverage that has been popularly consumed in our country in recent years, which has been sold under the Elvan brand. It is listed in the "MilkShake" subcategory under the "Soft Drink" main category on our site. When you visit this sub-category, you can see all our Milkshake products in stock. Apart from the stock status of our milkshake varieties, you can also view the images of the products, the list and, if available, the discounted sales price and product information. Apart from the mentioned information, you can reach us from the contact information on our website and get information about the subjects you are curious about.

What is a milkshake? How was the milkshake invented?
The name Milkshake is a combination of two English words. These are the words milk (milk) and shake (shake). Milkshake is also called “frappe” in some countries.

According to the major online encyclopedia site Wikipedia (or Wikipedia as it is known), it is stated that the first milkshake was made by Ivar “Pop” Coulson in the city of Chicago in the United States. Coulson made the first milshake by creating a standard fermented milk using malt yeast, milk and chocolate syrup products, and adding two scoops of vanilla ice cream to it.

What can be in a milkshake?
Milshake is generally prepared by adding milk, ice divided into small pieces and the desired flavors and blending with a blender. Fresh fruit pieces can be added to give flavor, as well as vanilla, chocolate, syrup can be added.

What are the types of milkshakes?
Milshake varieties are generally distinguished by their aromas. Milkshakes can be prepared with fruit by adding fruit particles according to the season. The first examples that come to mind for fruit milkshakes are strawberry milkshake, banana milkshake, and blackberry milkshake. Apart from containing a single type of fruit, milkshakes containing more than one fruit can also be made. In addition to adding chocolate varieties other than fruit, various flavors such as syrups, vanilla and coffee can be added to the milkshake and different flavors can be obtained.

Under the Elvan brand, there are two kinds of milkshake products on our website in terms of aroma. These are strawberry milkshakes and banana milkshakes. These milkshakes are sold in elegant 250 ml glass bottles. When you examine these two types of milkshake products listed under the "Milkshake" category on our site, you can see the package contents, images, milkshake sales price and product stock status.

Apart from retail, is there also wholesale?
As with the products in other categories on our site, the products in the "Milkshake" sub-category are sold both retail and wholesale. While sales are made in parcels or pallets in bulk sales to dealers, retail sales are made in units, packages or boxes. Separate memberships can be created for these two sales types mentioned on our online shopping site, elvan.com.tr. Creating a membership suitable for you on our site allows you to be aware of the campaigns and to follow up the orders you will place more easily. You can reach us from the contact information on our site for membership types, order processes and all your questions on our site.
