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Point System

Elvan company's online shopping store, www.elvan.com.tr, provides customers with the opportunity to earn points on their purchases. Below are the details of the point system. For more information about the point system, you can contact us:

* 100 points are equivalent to 1 TL in value.
* Upon registration to the retail system, 2,000 points are earned.
* When a review is made for a purchased product, 200 points are earned per review.
* 1% of the total amount of each completed order, excluding VAT, is awarded to the customer who placed the order, in the form of points.
* To be eligible for using accumulated points as a discount on orders, a minimum of 5,000 points must be accumulated.
* To use earned points as a discount, a minimum basket value of 350 TL is required.

Below are important notes regarding the point system:

* Elvan Mağazacılık A.Ş. reserves the right to change, suspend, or terminate the rules of the point system without prior notice.
* Points earned on orders are credited to the customer's account on the website after the order is confirmed.
* The validity period of points is 1 year.
* A maximum of 10 reviews are approved per month.
* The point system is only valid for members of the elvan.com.tr online shopping site.
* The point system cannot be combined with other campaigns and promotions.
* Points for canceled orders are refunded to the customer's account on the website.
* The point system is only valid for retail purchases, wholesale purchases (dealer portal) are not included in the point system.
* The point system is only valid within the borders of Turkey.
* Orders placed from abroad are not included in the point system.
